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Betonrausch Cast

Betonrausch (2020) - A Comedy-Drama Exploring the Rise and Fall of a Property Empire


Betonrausch, directed and written by Cüneyt Kaya, tells the story of Viktor Stein (David Kross), Gerry Falkland (Frederick Lau), and Nicole Kleber (Janina Uhse), three young entrepreneurs who embark on a quest to make their fortune in the Berlin property market.

A Shady Scheme

Desperate to get rich quick, Viktor and Gerry devise a shady scheme to manipulate property prices. They use questionable tactics, exploiting loopholes and manipulating the system to their advantage. As their wealth accumulates, so does their hubris.

The Price of Success

As their property empire grows, Viktor, Gerry, and Nicole find themselves caught in a dangerous game. The pursuit of wealth and power begins to corrupt them, blurring the lines between right and wrong. The consequences of their actions threaten to destroy not only their fortunes but also their relationships and their very souls.
